Things are getting real out here, real fast. There haven't been posts for some time, and this is an attempt to show you my day today (which is fairly typical), to justify:
0500 - Wake Up, shower, shave
0600 - Giant coffee AKA "the MOAC"
0630 - Breakfast, hopefully not to go, I hate that
0700 - Construction Update Sync Meeting
0800 - Daily Commander's Update Brief
0830 - Working Group of sorts (today was Combat Effects)
1000 - WG complete
1145 - Lunch
1330 - Briefing, by my boss, to his boss. I worked the presentation a lot in the last week, plus I assist in the brief, if my intermediate boss isn't able to call in
1545 - Gym break (not typical): Killed Rows/Deadlifts/Box Jumps/Sprints
1830 - Dinner
1930 - Internal Construction Sync Meeting
2000 - A chance to catch up on the 40 emails I got since I checked last, around 1800
2130 - Phone call with the boss to coordinate the next day priorities
2220 - Next thing you know "Holy crap, it's late. 0500 comes quick"
2230 - Back to my room, brush teeth, collapse
0500 - Alarm, repeat
I've got a few in draft form from the beginning of the month, and many more to come. Just need more hours in the day.
Thanks for sticking with it.
The K
My vagina hurts just hearing that