02 October 2011

SMART BOMB! Ignorance is a crutch, Part 1

As a person, as a leader, I have pet peeves.  For those who know me personally, you say "no way?!" Shut up, don't mock me...big pet peeve of mine.  Just kidding. 

Maybe I do get wrapped around certain things too much, but they are rooted in something legitmate.  It's not "raaaaaawwwr, I hate the smell of Totino's Pizza Rolls, get away from me...and go find a dark corner in which to kick yourself in the taint. Don't come back until you've succeeding in making yourself pass out, three times."

Understanding what you are saying. Sounds magical, doesn't it? Oh, and this is English, not misunderstanding a foreign lanuguage, which is often adventurous and holds little consequence.

My SMART BOMB for the day is: PIN Number. I'll break this down, for the layman (layperson, get over yourself). PIN, see how it's all capitalized? That means it is an acronym, which in turn means that each letter in the acronym stands for another full word.  You asked for Sesame Street, and you shall recieve.  "P" is the shortened version of Personal.  What's next? "I" holds the spot for Indentification. See how these are beginning to stand for something in their full form? I'm excited too. This is where folks get tripped up.  "N" ACUTALLY STANDS FOR NUMBER! So when you say (or make stickers or program digital text that will be integrated into the majority of gas station pumps, you wretched fart-gobbler) "PIN Number"...you sound like a moron.

I want us to be friends, but it's hard for me when I think you're a moron. If you don't care to understand what you are saying, what other line of bullshit are you feeding me when we interact?

Make 'Merica an even better 'Merica by knowing what you are saying to people, or soon enough we will reach an Idiocracy (c) "brought to you by Carl's Jr" and I won't share my electrolyte stores with you or your dummy kinfolk.

Many more to follow, unfortunately.

[Editor's Note: I'm not perfect, but I tend to hyper-analyze certain things. So if it is my day to be the moron, call me out.  I am too tweaked out not to fix it (or explain why I am aware, and just don't give a damn). Cheers]


  1. Other misuses of acronyms: ATM Machine, The TAG. My personal favorite language peeve? "I seen it."

  2. Fret not my friend, I have a sizable list. It will be a weekly post. Don't steal my thunder though...it's makes me feel cool, like Thor.

  3. My regular pet peeve is Libary. This happens in schools all over the US from teachers and administrators

  4. From an administrator? How dies your head not explode? My BP just went up.
